Thursday, December 27, 2012

Will Pinterest Be a Mainstay in B2B Lead Generation?

This year, thousands of people went in droves to Pinterest. SEO gurus touted its ability to drive traffic
to websites and to increase page rank. The popularity of Pinterest changed the way we look at text. In the previous years, articles full of informative text were the focal point of seo. Lead generation was about churning out well written articles to article directories for backlinks. Because of this, hundreds of lead generation companies added writers to their staff for their lead generation services. But with the advent of Pinterest, the lead generation landscape changed from being dominated with text to being dominated with eye-catching graphics.

As Pinterest became one of the fastest growing sites this year, it became almost standard for website owners to make graphic representations of their articles. Some would even put up graphical bullet points of the articles. Pinterest was heaven sent for B2C companies, as they began to see an increase in sales, especially companies selling fashion items.

But what about the Business-to-Business companies? They did get in the Pinterest bandwagon, but
it seems that there is a decline as it is beginning to show that Pinterest may not be a tool for B2B
companies, especially those in the highly technical niche. Consider this: If you are selling customized
copper tubes, will you be putting up cute pictures of your tubes to Pinterest? Can you imagine fifteen
people re-pinning pictures of your copper tubes? I rest my case.

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