Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why You Should Consider Life Cycle Marketing in Your Marketing Strategies

A common mistake we often make in lead generation is thinking of it only as gaining new prospects for our business. We miss out on gaining additional sales from existing clients in our lead generation database. Too often we fail to build a strong relationship with our clients after the first purchase. If you hired a lead generation company for lead generation services, ask them if they also offer life cycle marketing. If not, establish life cycle marketing as part of your marketing strategies. You can achieve this by connecting your lead generation and your customer relationship management (CRM) database.

Life cycle marketing will prove to be vital in your marketing strategies because you will be able to keep track of the needs and wants of your customers. By doing so, you will be able to send them timely communication. For example, if your client is in the introductory stage, you will be able to send them communication about features of your products and tips on technical aspects of your product’s usage. By building your relationship with your client through life cycle marketing, you have a better chance of acquiring additional purchases from them when they are in the stage where they will be more open to upselling. And if the relationship is strong and you have excellent product and service, they may even share your communication with their friends, thus giving you additional prospects.

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