Saturday, December 1, 2012

Understanding the Two Types of Shoppers in Lead Generation

When you have a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) company, you have to be able to understand the two 
types of consumers in order to maximize your lead generation activities. The behavioral patterns of
these two types are distinct from each other that you often have to take different approaches in order
to convert them from website visitors to leads or clients.

The first type of consumer is the cerebral consumer. This type of consumer is the thinking consumer.
They have the tendency to do their research first before deciding to purchase. Buying for them is making
sure they get their money’s worth. Converting the cerebral website visitor to a lead will require you
to supply them with informative and relevant data about your products. Example, if you are selling
gadgets in your website, it would pay off if you take the time to write articles on reviews about the
products, special features of the products and declare other information like warranty and replacement
information. Cerebral consumers are likely to subscribe to RSS feeds on these topics.

The second type of consumer is the emotional consumer. This type of consumer depends on their
emotions in deciding the purchase of a product. They often neglect reading the technical details
about the product. Buying for them is a reward for their hard work. Converting the emotional website
visitor to a lead will require you to make shopping a pleasant experience for them. Going back to our
example of selling gadgets, it would pay off if you take the time to send a thank you email to emotional
consumers for their purchases. Emotional consumers are likely to subscribe to RSS feeds on sale items
and hot items.

A lead generation company offering lead generation services will be able to suggest marketing
approaches for both the cerebral and emotional consumer.

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