Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tips on How to Get People to Give You Their Email Address

When you engage in online lead generation, one of the major challenges is getting people to give you
their email address. A lead generation company may already have a voluminous database of email
addresses that you could gain access to as part of their lead generation services. However, you and your
company will benefit if you take simple steps in inculcating activities that will encourage people to give
you their email addresses.

Here are some ideas for getting email addresses:

  • Giving a free e-book in exchange for the email address. If you and your website is an established authority of a certain niche, then an e-book might be a good idea to get email addresses from your readers and website visitors. You may write about an interesting topic or you may condense articles that you already have into an e-book.

  • Blog subscription through RSS feed. A word of caution: This will only work if you are able to regularly post interesting, relevant and informative articles.

  • Allowing people to leave comments on your blog that will require them to give their email address. Some people just have to have their say on something. Many website owners capitalize on this by writing about intriguing, debate-causing issues and then ask for their readers’ opinions. Some people will not even think twice about giving their email address since they are so focused on getting their opinion across.

  • Staging contests that will require clients to complete a form in order to join. This is usually done through raffles where clients or prospects will have to register before they get the chance to win. You may have to spend for the prize, but you will be getting leads in the process.

  • Prominently displaying the contact form of the website. For whatever reason, be sure that people will be able to contact you if they want to. Neglecting the contact form is one of the most elementary mistakes any lead generation company will make.

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