Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why You Should Make a Buyer’s Guide

Not all website visitors that will arrive at your website’s front door will become your customers. They all have the potential of being customers though. This is the reason why it is necessary to separate those that are likely to buy from those that are remotely likely to buy your products in lead generation. This will enable your sales personnel to make a timely response to “hot” prospects and to nurture relationships with “lukewarm” prospects.

It is with this in mind that a lead generation company that offers lead generation services will advise a website owner to come up with lead qualifiers. And one of the best lead qualifiers you can make is a buyer’s guide.

Imagine if your business is selling diamond rings. Thousands may flock to your website because they have read your PR article of a celebrity wearing one of your rings. How do you distinguish which ones are really interested to buy a ring and which ones are merely there because of the celebrity? If you put a buyer’s guide article that website visitors can download, then you know that people who have downloaded it are seriously thinking of buying a ring. The act of downloading a buyer’s guide is a significant indication of the desire to know more about diamond rings, thus qualifying the website visitor.

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