Thursday, December 27, 2012

Effectively Using Life Cycle Marketing in Upselling

If you are hiring a lead generation company for lead generation services, be sure to check if they have a system in place for life cycle management. Life cycle management is communicating to your clients according to their current needs and wants. This means that clients would be categorized if they are in the introduction, growth, maturity or declining stage of the product usage. This is significant not only in lead generation, but in other marketing strategies as well, such as upselling.

Often, companies who are not using life cycle management have to resort to a hit-and-miss strategy when trying to upsell a product. They would send out a communication in the form or an email or a newsletter to all of the clients and hope that they would reach out the few who are ready to buy another similar or related product.

In life cycle management, you would be keeping track of the purchases of your clientele. This means that those who have not yet purchased a product or those who have already purchased the product you are offering to upsell will automatically be excluded from the upselling communication. This saves valuable time and resources for the company and the client will feel special thinking that the lead generation company is
giving him due attention by noting his purchases.

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