Thursday, December 27, 2012

Being a Lead Should Be Simple

Most website visitors exhibit the following behavior:

  • Fear of giving personal information on websites
  • Lack of interest in filling in a very long registration form
  • Irritation at having to figure out something

In the process of wanting to obtain as much information as possible in their lead generation activities, most web owners commit the mistake of making being a lead a chore. When this happens, all other strategies that were used in driving traffic to the website amounts to nothing. The potential customer simply moves on to a better site.

So if you want to be able to get leads, you must address the above mentioned behavior of your prospects. It is a good idea to establish yourself as an authority in your niche so that trust could be developed between you and your possible lead. And when you ask for personal information, you must clearly state that you will not rent or give out their information. Further, it is better to ask just two or three personal information in the beginning and take the time to build a relationship with your prospect first before asking for more. This is why most registration forms only have three to four fields. This is to address the issue on trust and to prevent people from being turned off by a long registration form. Also, registration forms must be simple to fill in. Directing people to another page or giving instructions other than filling in the forms is a big no-no. Remember, being your lead is a privilege they have bestowed on you. So you better not make it hard for them.

It is also wise to consult a lead generation company that offers excellent lead generation services if you are unsure of how to address these issues. Investing in their services is better than driving off your prospects when they are already a web visitor.

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