Friday, December 7, 2012

Do You Want More Leads? Think ToFu!

In lead generation, ToFu is as healthy as a tofu for your website. ToFu means top-of-the-funnel content.
These are articles that talk about topics in your niche which will not have content that directly pitches about your product or services. For example, if your company sells a wheatgrass health drink, then one of your ToFu articles may be, “Wheatgrass Lowers Cholesterol.” The idea of using ToFu for lead generation is making your website an authority in your niche without selling your product. This is to get traffic into your website. With your ToFu articles, website visitors will have a reason to regularly check your website. With this, you can then ask for their email address in exchange for subscription, updates, newsletters and e-books.

ToFu may be back breaking for website owners who are not writers. But this should not deter you. You can engage a lead generation company for lead generation services and ask that they provide you with ToFu articles to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Lead generation companies often have a staff of writers who are capable of writing about several niches. You can also get free articles from other article sites. Just be sure to credit the author and put a link to the original article.

So if you want more leads, dish out the ToFu!

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