Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Make the Perfect ToFu for Lead Generation

There is a type of consumers who are called cerebral consumers. These are people who would do their research first before deciding to purchase a product. They seek authorities of products that they are eyeing to buy. If you are in the process of lead generation for your company, then you must make sure that your website also caters to this type of consumers.

A lead generation company who offers lead generation services will advise website owners to dish out generous servings of ToFu articles in their website. ToFu means top-of-the-funnel content. These are articles that provide interesting, relevant and informative information to web visitors without selling your product or service. And to make a perfect ToFu, you have to make the content easily understood by ordinary folks by making it simple yet substantial. Translate technical aspects of the products into layman’s terms, provide visual representation of processes, and provide references as needed. Also remember that you are serving ToFu to your website’s visitors. This means that the articles should be about them, and not about you. Do not include hard selling statements in your ToFu articles because it will put people off. And lastly, make sure that you have the system in place to make your ToFu articles shareable to the whole world.

By making the perfect ToFu, people will notice your website and then ask how they can buy. The idea is
to sell without selling.

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