Thursday, December 27, 2012

Profiting from Your Sales People

How much does your company spend for the salaries of your sales personnel? How much do you spend to keep your sales people happy and motivated? And how much are you profiting from it?

We all know that sales are the lifeblood of all businesses. Because of this, we all give focus on sales and the sales team. We spend money to recruit them, we spend money to regularly train them, we spend money to keep them motivated via sales incentives, recreation perks and salary increases, and we spend money for their high salaries. Below the top and middle management ranks, the sales people are often the most well compensated employees of the company, if we add up all of the money they are getting from the company.

We accept their importance in the company and we also accept the high cost of having them around. But if you are a wise businessman, you will make sure that you are squeezing the most out of them. Given that they are already well compensated, properly trained and well motivated, what can you still do? The answer is to make sure that every hour of their time is productive and will almost always bring in profit for your company.

So review what your sales people are doing. If they are making cold calls for lead generation, then it might be a good idea to calculate how much you are spending on their salaries versus delegating cold calling to a lead generation company who offer exemplary lead generation services. Assign prospects who are almost ready to buy to your high salaried sales people and let the lower salaried employees do the legwork. This way, you are not wasting the time of your well compensated staff.

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