Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why You Should Use a Telemarketing Company for Lead Generation

When you engage in lead generation, you will have to surpass several critical challenges in order to
obtain leads. One of the most important challenges is where to start. You might have to begin with the
few referrals that your own clients had kindly given to your sales team. But that is a limited list, perhaps
only amounting to a couple hundred leads. If you engage a telemarketing company on the other hand,
they will most likely be able to provide you with a database of millions of leads, classified according to
industry, geographical location, and according to demographical details.

Telemarketers of telemarketing companies are also trained in the art and science of appointment
setting. This means that they will be able to present a product or service, ask for information, classify
and follow-up leads perhaps much more efficiently and effectively than you or your sales team could.

Cost wise, engaging the services of a telemarketing company is also a more viable option since most of
them offer a pay-per-lead scheme. If you ask your sales team to do the lead generation, you will have
to pay for their labor regardless of productivity. Let me also remind you that some prospects require
numerous calls before you get a firm appointment, something you might have to consider in terms of
man hours if you assign lead generation to your own sales team.

Engaging the services of a telemarketing company for lead generation is a win-win situation for most
businesses. In fact, it is often the most kept secret of successful companies today.

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