Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Is Your Business Ready for Lead Generation?

Before you engage the services of a telemarketing company to engage in lead generation and appointment setting, be sure that your own business is ready for the influx of leads that will come your way. If you and your sales team are not, then your lead generation will end up as an unnecessary expense in the company’s ledger.

Some of the things to take consideration of are often basic, but are also often neglected in the course of
a very busy business operation. So take a look at this rundown:

1. Do you have the capability of handling the influx of leads? If you are a one-man-show, determine how many leads you can handle and inform the telemarketing company of this so that they will limit their lead generation accordingly. This will also be more cost effective for you since most telemarketing companies offer a pay-per-lead pricing scheme.

2. Are you skilled in converting leads into sales? There are good managers and there are good salespersons; and there are those who wish they are both. If you do not have the skills to convert leads into sales, now is the time to hire someone who can.

3. Do you have enough products or can your company handle the increase in service? At the outset, your business may need the additional leads to fill in the slack in your business operation. But be sure that your business is ready in case there is a surplus. If it is not, your lead generation may boomerang if hot leads will have to be told that you cannot serve them.

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