Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Different Types of Leads You Will Encounter in Lead Generation

When you work for a telemarketing company for lead generation and appointment setting, you will encounter different types of prospects. The way you present the product or service must vary according to the type of lead that you are speaking with, in order to have a better chance of converting prospects into clients. The psychological make-up of each type of prospect is different so the respective approaches must also vary.

Some of the different types of leads you will encounter are:

1. The Jumpers

These are prospects who are dissatisfied with the current product or service that they are using.
They are eager to jump to a better product or company.

2. The Negotiators

These are prospects that know what they want from a certain product or service, be it a feature,
a price point or a service. They will require that their demands be met before conducting
business with your company.

3. The Undecided

These are prospects that are willing to listen to telemarketing companies have to offer but who are often
vague about what they want or expect from a product or a service. It will take more effort and
patience to get them to take the action of buying your product or engaging your service.

4. The Rejecters

These are the prospects who do not want to be disturbed by a telemarketing company. They
might have had a traumatic experience from terrible telemarketers. This is the hardest type of
lead to convert.

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