Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Comes After Lead Generation?

When the lead starts trickling into your business, the next crucial thing to do is to make sure that the leads are converted into sales. If you fail in this part, then all your telemarketing activities will amount to nothing.

The conversion of leads to sales may prove to be complex to an average person. There are leads gathered by telemarketing companies that are called hot leads, wherein the client could be considered 99% sure to purchase your product or service. But there are also leads that are warm, lukewarm or cold, depending on the potential that the client will purchase your product or engage your service. 

It is important to be able to determine what type of lead each prospect is and sell your product or service accordingly. Hot leads may mean lesser effort on selling and more effort in assuring that the sales transaction goes smoothly while the rest of the lead types may mean more effort at convincing the prospect. The latter type of leads also means more effort in appointment setting with the client to present your product or service. There is also the possibility that more effort should be expended at telemarketing your product or service to the client in order to convert a cold lead to a hot lead.

Lead generation should be followed by a good analysis of the leads and the appropriate course of action for each type of lead. With this, each lead being generated has a better possibility of being converted to sales.

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