Friday, November 16, 2012

Telemarketing: Annoyance or a Blessing?

There is probably nothing more annoying than getting a call from a telemarketing company in the middle of the night and getting a sales pitch on whatever it is the other person on the line is trying to sell. But for businesses it gets the job done because whether telemarketing results to annoyance or not it achieves what it initially sets out to do: disseminating information about a product or service. Interest is generated and so a sleep befuddled mind is informed of the latest promos on a certain credit card or the advantages of having the latest phone model. In the morning that annoyed person may search for that product on the internet
and answer the online queries in the seller's website. 

Lead generation then takes place and another contact is added to the phonebook. The perks of appointment setting services are that only valuable contacts are considered for appointment setting. It is through lead generation that we gather potential buyers and get to know their needs. Query forms in the website should be constructed in a way that would not turn off the potential customer by asking irrelevant or very personal questions. Appointments are then set up only with people who have the intention to purchase or have at least signified a real interest. This intention is obvious once the consumer agrees to the appointment and so the sales representative does not waste time and resources in meeting up with the consumer.

By appointment setting, the seller asks for the opportunity to further explain face to face with the consumer the details of the product and service. Once that appointment is set, it is now up to the sales representative to fully convince the consumer to buy and close the deal. What started out as an annoyance may end up into a sale thanks to the wonders of telemarketing.

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