Thursday, November 29, 2012

Email Address Info Holds Number 1 Rank Lead Generation

A lead generation company who offers lead generation services will advise novice website owners
to keep their registration forms short and simple in order to have a better chance of getting the website visitors to register. If you haven't read my previous blog about registration forms, click HERE.

 But as the website owner, you are faced with the temptation to get as much information from the registration forms for your lead generation and other marketing analysis. Given the limited number of fields in the registration form, what information should you ask from your website visitors and prospective clients? Further, will it matter if your company is a Business-to-Business (B2B) company, a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) company or a Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) company?

In a 2012 Marketing Sherpa Lead Generation Benchmark Survey, B2B, B2C and B2B2C companies were
asked the most important fields they feel that they need to collect from their leads on lead generation forms. The results clearly showed that the email of leads is the most important information needed in lead generation, regardless of the nature of the business. This is closely followed by the name of the lead. This makes sense as these two fields are almost 99% included in online registration forms today.

So given that you can only put in three or five fields in your website’s registration form, be sure to put in
a field for the email and the name.

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