Thursday, November 15, 2012

Telemarketing for the Busy Person

Online shopping makes people fat. Less and less people stroll around the mall, searching for that
perfect find, comparing prices and quality in five different stores. Instead we have the option to stay at
home and do our shopping without having to step a single shoe clad foot out the door. Blame it all on
telemarketing. Those persistent people who never stop until you succumb to the appointment setting
so that a product presentation can be conducted in your home. You become a lead, part of their lead
generation, one of the numerous contacts they would constantly call until you give in.

Yet for the busy people, online shopping is very convenient. Through the powers of telemarketing you
are informed of the products and services available on the market. By becoming a lead, they would
be the one to call you, not the other way around which seems to be a thing of the past now. The
appointment setting is also left to them to facilitate and all you need to do is set the schedule according
to your timetable. Everything is done to accommodate your busy schedule. In fact, working around
your available time and your comfort is the primary concern. By the time the sales representative goes
to your home you are ready and prepared for a demonstration that may be done at a leisurely pace.

If you look at it differently, this kind of set-up actually gives you more time on your hands. This extra
time may be spent playing with the kids, cooking that special meal for the family or taking that painting
class you have always wanted. A lot of time is saved or maximized. It just now depends on you if you
spend that extra time lazing around the house because you have already done your shopping or you go
for that hike in the nearest park.

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