Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Jumpers --- the Blessings for Telemarketing Companies

In telemarketing and in appointment setting, the jumpers are the best types of leads in lead generation.
These are the prospects that are willing to jump ship, provided you will give a better product or service
than the current one they are using. The jumpers are considered blessings to telemarketing companies
because they are the easiest leads to convert to sales, just a few notches behind the hot leads, or the
prospects that have been actively seeking for your product or service.

Although the jumpers have a higher chance of bringing in sales, telemarketing services will still have to exert a small amount of effort to bring them in. And it pays to constantly remember that jumpers are dissatisfied with
the current product or service that they are using, so make it a point that when you do your sales pitch,
you are focusing in why you are better as a company and the features that make your product more
superior than those in the market. Often, jumpers are also dissatisfied with the customer service of their
current product or company. An assurance that you will take good care of them will go a long way.

Jumpers are often already familiar with your product or service, so telemarketing companies should focus more on what makes your product or service better in terms of quality or price and what makes your customer service excellent. Given the right push, jumpers will readily jump into your business network.

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