Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Insider’s Tip on Lead Generation

Let us take a look at this all too common scenario in online lead generation: A company developed and
launched a great website, spent for online ads to promote it, got the needed traffic into its website, 
but is now at a loss why a very small percentage of people actually register in the website. What went
wrong? The traffic is already there, which means that the website already has informative, relevant and
interesting content. Further, the traffic is an indicator that your marketing efforts are paying off. But
why isn’t traffic being converted to leads?

Before you go off to a lead generation company to seek their lead generation services, let me give you
an insider’s tip that most website owners fail to consider when they formulate their registration form:
Keep your registration form short and simple.

People get turned off when they have to fill in a registration form that takes up so much of their time.
This is evidenced in a study made by Marketo, a marketing automation company. They put up a five,
seven and nine field registration forms. The results of the study showed that a five field registration
form had the highest conversion rate (website visitors who registered) of 13.4% while the seven field
form only had a 12% conversion rate and the nine field form had the lowest of 10% conversion rate.

So take another look at your website’s registration form. You might want to adhere to the KISS
philosophy: Keep It Short and Simple.

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