Friday, January 18, 2013

Why You Still Need to Make a Phone Call

A growing number of those in the lead generation business are saying that telemarketing is quickly becoming an obsolete thing. They believe that leads are best generated through high quality content in websites, excellent visibility in the social media platforms, regular and relevant email marketing newsletters. To them, telemarketing is rapidly becoming obsolete because more and more people are linked to the internet and prefer to communicate via email.

But should we look at telemarketing as a thing of the past? While it is indeed important that companies should give importance and budget to developing a website with relevant and well written content and ensure that it has presence in the different social media platforms, telemarketing should still rank as one of the main lead generation activities.

There is a basic reason for doing so: key decision makers are often too old to be technologically savvy and thus are not as into the internet as the rest of the middle aged executives or are too busy to always be giving time to their Twitter or Facebook accounts. The reality is this: while they may have their own email, Twitter or Facebook accounts, these are often managed by their trusted secretaries. So do not give up on  telemarketing just yet. Hold on to that lead generation company that gives excellent lead generation services who knows how to get the big boss on the phone or at least get past the secretary for an appointment.

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