Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Key Steps to Successful Lead Generation. Step 2.

Gather what data you have. Before you think about the millions of possible clients that a lead generation company might offer, take time to sit down with your customer service representatives, sales and marketing people and gather the list of clients that you already have. For your lead generation, it is advised to look inside your own company first, before you go looking outside for prospective clients.

Your customer relationship management (CRM) software is a good place to start. While you are at it, you might also want to try to update the data it holds by double checking which names are active clients. If you have done a good job of tracking the purchases of your clients, you might even be able to gather data about which ones have tried any free trial products, those that made repeat purchases, and those that had good and bad comments about your products and services.

By taking a look at your own data, you will be able to make a note of which clients you can contact to make repeat purchases and perhaps even get referrals from those who are greatly satisfied with your products and purchases. Even if you outsource lead generation services, doing so will be a great head start for you and the lead generation company.

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