Friday, February 15, 2013

Lead Generation: Think Short Term and Long Term

Lead generation should be viewed in two ways: short term and long term. Getting leads using short
term techniques is important because you will need to a supply of leads to generate sales. Without an
immediate supply of leads, your business may be doomed to an early death. If you are hiring a lead
generation company for lead generation services, be sure to include a healthy dose of strategies and
action plans in getting an immediate supply of leads.

While the short term lead generation techniques will put food on the table, the long term lead
generation techniques will enable you to make your business last for a longer time. Long term lead
generation is like canning fruits for winter. Everybody will salivate with the good smells coming from the
kitchen, and will be enticed to linger on for the long haul. You will also have something to dish out when
fresh fruits are no longer available.

So when you are making your lead generation program, be sure to have programs that will immediately
convert people into leads and programs that you will do today, in order for you to get leads later.

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