Friday, February 15, 2013

Should You Build Relationships or Just Tell Them You’re Selling?

There are lead generation experts that will tell you that lead generation is all about building relationships with your clients and that it’s all about getting their trust. They will be the first to point out that lead generation should be viewed as a long term investment, and a businessman doing lead generation should consider himself a farmer, planting seeds that will eventually turn into prospects, which could later be harvested by being converted to sales.

But if you are a businessman that does not have the resources to hire a lead generation company for lead generation services and one that is working on limited time and budget, how much time should you spend tightening your belt while building relationships with your clients?

This is where the building relationships versus telling your website visitors that you are selling debate come in. When budget and time is limited, could you still wait for months until you tell your website visitor that you are selling something, or should you wait until they ask you?

Some take the middle ground by subtly putting buttons that lead to order forms, or adding a sentence or two about purchasing the products. Others simply add links that lead to a sales page. In the end, the decision is all yours. There are really no concrete rules about lead generation.

Your Lead Generation Will Fail If You Fail To Remember This

A lot of people that are doing lead generation on their own often fall into the trap of aiming to have a huge traffic in their website. Although this is a good goal to achieve, having millions of viewers visiting your website will amount to nothing if none of them will actually purchase your product. So unless you 
remember that you are doing lead generation in order to get sales, your lead generation program will just be another hobby, not a money making activity.

A lead generation company that offers extensive lead generation services will be the first to remind you that lead generation should be about converting prospects (website visitors) into clients. With this in mind, your lead generation efforts will definitely take a different shape. For example, you might be
able to attract hordes of visitors to your website by offering numerous freebies like e-books, programs, graphics and codes. But with the aim to increase sales in mind, you might modify the freebies scheme into getting more freebies if they enlist in your lead list, or offering more freebies once they purchase your product. Or you might also add more call to action buttons on your website that would lead the website visitor into purchasing your products or services.

So never forget that lead generation is not only about getting people to your website. It is about generating sales. Without converting prospects into leads and leads into clients, pretty soon you will not have the means to continue your lead generation.

Lead Generation: Think Short Term and Long Term

Lead generation should be viewed in two ways: short term and long term. Getting leads using short
term techniques is important because you will need to a supply of leads to generate sales. Without an
immediate supply of leads, your business may be doomed to an early death. If you are hiring a lead
generation company for lead generation services, be sure to include a healthy dose of strategies and
action plans in getting an immediate supply of leads.

While the short term lead generation techniques will put food on the table, the long term lead
generation techniques will enable you to make your business last for a longer time. Long term lead
generation is like canning fruits for winter. Everybody will salivate with the good smells coming from the
kitchen, and will be enticed to linger on for the long haul. You will also have something to dish out when
fresh fruits are no longer available.

So when you are making your lead generation program, be sure to have programs that will immediately
convert people into leads and programs that you will do today, in order for you to get leads later.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lead Generation: Think Short Term and Long Term

Lead generation should be viewed in two ways: short term and long term. Getting leads using short term techniques is important because you will need to a supply of leads to generate sales. Without an immediate supply of leads, your business may be doomed to an early death. If you are hiring a lead generation company for lead generation services, be sure to include a healthy dose of strategies and action plans in getting an immediate supply of leads.

While the short term lead generation techniques will put food on the table, the long term lead generation techniques will enable you to make your business last for a longer time. Long term lead generation is like canning fruits for winter. Everybody will salivate with the good smells coming from the kitchen, and will be enticed to linger on for the long haul. You will also have something to dish out when fresh fruits are no longer available.

So when you are making your lead generation program, be sure to have programs that will immediately convert people into leads and programs that you will do today, in order for you to get leads later.