Sunday, October 21, 2012

Funny Telemarketing Services Jokes

People from telemarketing services and appointment setting service have loads of stories on funny,
weird and just plain awkward callers.

Take for example this call on free shipping:

Client: “I would like avail of free shipping for this product.”

Telemarketing Services Agent: “I’m sorry, but we don’t give free shipping for your product.”

Client: “I want free shipping.”

Telemarketing Services Agent: “The product does not come with free shipping.”

Client: “Fine, I don’t want the product.”

Telemarketing Services Agent: “How about I add $10 to your order and then give you free shipping?”

Client: “Great! Thank you! Thanks for the great customer service!”

Most people think that people who work for a telemarketing company have negative IQ. However, there
are documented calls that the reverse is true. This call is a good example:

The call center is located in Canada, but with many clients from the USA. This phone call comes in
toward the end of the 4th of July.

Client: “So, did you have a good Fourth of July?”

Telemarketing Services Agent: “Well, I’m stationed in Canada, so it’s a regular day here. We do have
Canada Day, which is 1st of July.”

Client: “So… then… is today July 3rd for you, or July 5th?” 

And here’s a weird call experienced by an appointment setter:

The caller was applying for a loan and this was where the telemarketing services agent was inquiring
about his income.

Telemarketing Services Agent: “Where are you employed?”

Caller: “I don’t work, I sell blood.”

Telemarketing Services Agent: “You mean that you sell blood at blood banks?”

Caller: “Sometimes at blood banks, sometimes on the street…”

I hope you enjoyed these funny telemarketing service jokes. Don’t be quick to judge that all
telemarketing services agents are losers, because the joke might be on you.


  1. Its really funny block on telemarketing.. Thanks for sharing.. Telemarketing Services

  2. Glad to see that you finally made it out.This is pretty good. It pointed out some capabilities that I was never taught,telemarketing services
