Wednesday, October 17, 2012

3 Tips on Maintaining Enthusiasm Despite 100 Rejections

“We keep going back, stronger, not weaker, because we will not allow rejection to beat us down. It will only strengthen our resolve. To be successful there is no other way.” - Earl G. Graves, American
entrepreneur, publisher, businessman, and philanthropist.

Every appointment setting service agent working for a telemarketing company might as well have that tattooed on his forehead so that he is reminded of it every morning before he goes to work, before the working day starts and the rejections also begin; and at night before he goes to sleep to inspire him to wake the next day and go back to his telemarketing company and face the same percentage of rejections.

But after 100 rejections, how does an appointment setting service agent rise above the doldrums and maintain enthusiasm? Here are three tips on maintaining enthusiasm despite 100 rejections.

1.) Change the way you think about enthusiasm.

Do not equate enthusiasm with success. It is easy for successful telemarketing companies to be enthusiastic if the cold calls usually become qualified sales leads and rejections are at their lowest. There’s the self-satisfaction of being able to overcome the rejections that comes with working for telemarketing services. But if you’re one of those agents who are on an exceptional streak of getting a series of 100 “No thanks,” you just have to revise your mindset, lest you throw in the towel at the end of the week.

2.) Remember that you need the paycheck.

No work, no pay; no pay, no money; no money, no food. And that holds true for the rest of the working class, member of an appointment setting service or not. You need the paycheck, so you should rebuild your enthusiasm every day for the job that puts bread on the table.

3.) Rejection is not all about you.

Those irate persons at the end of the line do not even know you. So don’t take their wisecracks, negative responses and phone slamming personally. Every appointment setter knows that those in the telemarketing services are bound to encounter their fair share of these folks, just as these folks are bound to suffer from being summoned by a member of a telemarketing company from whatever they are doing to be asked for an appointment, often for products they don’t even care about.

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