Friday, October 19, 2012

Spotting a Stressed Appointment Setting Service Agent

You can always whip an animal to keep on working, but you can never make a whipped animal work better. As a team leader of a telemarketing company, it pays to check if your members in the appointment setting service are stressed or not. The telemarketing services industry is one of the highest stressed industries. There are goals to meet, quotas to meet, boredom to overcome and rejections to conquer.

A low productivity is usually one of the first symptoms of a stressed appointment setting service agent. Low productivity may mean lesser number of calls being made within the allocated work time, or the same number of calls but lesser set appointments made. This may mean that your stressed appointment setting service agent has lost the drive to surpass the rejections. Difficulty in concentrating is also another sign of stress. So check to see of the decline in productivity is because of lack of focus on the task at hand and on the group’s goals.

Another red flag is the irritability of your stressed appointment setting service agent. Irritability is a common mental effect of stress. So when your top customer service staff begins snapping at both clients and  colleagues, it’s time to look at her stress level.

Changes in food intake may be a sign of stress. For some people, a greater intake of food relieves stress. This may be in the form of an increase in the coffee consumption or frequent snacking. For others, it may be a lack of appetite such as skipped lunches and generally an abrupt decrease in body weight.

Stress also has physical effects such as upset stomach, headache and muscle pain. Absences due to these may be a sign of a stressed group member.

As a team leader of a telemarketing company, be sure you know how to spot the red flags of stress. And
when you spot the signs of stress, be sure to address it promptly. This vigilance is significant for your team’s performance.

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